The National Australia Day Council (NADC) is a not-for-profit, government-owned company based in Canberra. With the NADC, the Australia Day National Network (the Network), an affiliate group of state and territory organisations, helps facilitate the celebration of Australia Day and being Australian, and recognise inspirational Australians through the Australian of the Year Awards.
Strategic focus areas for the NADC are:
Meaning: To promote the meaning of Australia Day and being Australian
Participation: To unite all Australians through celebration and reflection
Recognition: To acknowledge active citizenship and achievement
The operations of the company are overseen by a board of Directors appointed by the Prime Minister. The NADC is generously supported by the Australian Government through the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
The National Australia Day Council Board
Executive Team
- Mr Mark Fraser AO CVO, Chief Executive Officer
- Mr Vern Taber, Director Events and Communication
- Mr Matthew Andrews, Director Business Operations
The Australia Day National Network
The Australia Day National Network is made up of hundreds of local councils and committees, eight state and territory Australia Day organisations and the NADC. The network's mission is to inspire national pride and spirit to enrich the life of the nation.
The NADC provides an overarching vision for Australia Day and this vision is implemented and tailored to each state and territory through the expert local knowledge of the state and territory organisations. Town and regional councils or committees, with the support of state and territory Australia Day councils, deliver the thousands of celebrations and events for our national day.
Contact your state or territory Australia Day organisation
The NADC and reconciliation
While acknowledging there is much more to do, the NADC is proud of making a contribution to reconciliation. The NADC have developed, and are committed to, a Reconciliation Action Plan, an initiative of Reconciliation Australia that enables organisations to turn good intentions into actions.
NADC thanks the staff of Reconciliation Australia for helping us appreciate the importance of Reconciliation. With their support, we take pride in our leadership role and hope others will join us in making a contribution to the process.
NADC Corporate Plan
Section 95 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) requires Commonwealth controlled companies such as the National Australia Day Council (NADC) to prepare a four year corporate plan.
This Corporate Plan clearly articulates the purpose, functions and role of the NADC and associated financial projections, performance measures, risks and operational environment.
View or download the 2024 - 2028 NADC Corporate Plan
Statement of Expectations
The following Statement of Expectations from The Hon Patrick Gorman MP, Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister and Assistant Minister for the Public Service, was provided to the NADC on 12 September 2023. The NADC Board provided their Response to the Statement of Expectations on 20 October 2023 outlining how the NADC will meet these expectations.
View or download the NADC Statement of Expectations
View or download the NADC Statement of Expectations Response
Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee
The Performance and Accountability Act 2013 requires Commonwealth companies such as the National Australia Day Council (NADC) to have an audit committee. The Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter sets out the purpose, functions and role of the Committee.
View or download the NADC Finance Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter
Public Interest Disclosures
The National Australia Day Council (NADC) is committed to the highest standards of ethical and accountable conduct and is subject to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Cth) (PID Act).