Denita Wawn has been a member of the National Australia Day Council Board since 8 October 2021.
Ms Wawn is the CEO and Company Secretary of Master Builders Australia. She has over 35 years' experience as a leading advocate for industry and employers in the nation's capital, around Australia and internationally. Her previous roles include CEO of the Brewer's Association of Australia and New Zealand (Brewer's Association), Deputy CEO of the National Farmers' Federation and Executive Director of the Australian Hotels Association (Tasmanian Division).
Denita is currently a Director of Cbus Super Fund, Member of National Workplace Relations Consultative Council and Director of Anminder Family Trust. Her previous corporate governance experience includes roles as Chair of the Worldwide Brewers Alliance, Chair of the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) Scheme and as a director of Hostplus industry superannuation fund and a Board Member of Canberra Grammar School.
Denita was born and educated in Hobart, Tasmania. She has Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degrees from the University of Tasmania.